Tuesday, January 1, 2008

IQ vs EQ

Have you ever thought of why you succeeded or failed in your work? When you failed a project/ task, is it due to bad luck, bad timing, demanding bosses/ customers, uncooperative colleagues or YOU?

It is no longer as simple as getting good grades at school where effort, hardwork and a little bit of intelligence could do the trick. It involves dealing a lot with people around you to achieve your objectives. Whether you are climbing the career ladder or working as a boss, dealing with people is inevitable.

Intelligence Quotient or more known as IQ might be able to solve the facts and figures problems but when it comes to handling relationship with people around you at work, Emotional Intelligence Quotient or EQ plays a very crucial part. It could be the building block to your career ladder/ business.

The more you understand about people, their behaviors and how they react; the higher will be the chance for you to control the situation, convince the people to go your way and most importantly; to get things done.

One very interesting book (Dealing with People You Can't Stand: How to Bring Out the Best in People at Their Worst) i came across recently made me realized how important it is to equip myself with such skill. It helped me to understand people more, improves the communications & relationships between me and my colleagues and also i am in better control for certain situations.

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